Equipment has a special importance in poultry. Most poultry equipment is made with superior technology today and sold ready-made. When purchasing, it is necessary to choose the most suitable type for the purpose. The sizes and designs of poultry equipment are different. Even a piece of equipment, for example feeder, can have size, type and features to be used for different growing periods. However, there are some basic features that may apply to all equipment.
Important considerations in equipment selection;
1. BENEFIT VALUE : Equipment must be useful and in good working order.
2. BUILDING FEATURE : A lot of equipment since it is assembled in the facility, it must be in a structure that can be broken up and collected.
3. ROBUSTNESS : Poultry equipment should be robust so that it can be used for a long time.
4. USEFULNESS : Equipment should not be complicated.
5. PORTABILITY : Most of the equipment used in poultry should be portable, ie easily transportable from one place to another.
6. AVAILABILITY : Fixed, portable and portable equipments and spare parts to be selected should be easily available.
7. FEED CONTAINERS HAS FEATURES THAT REDUCE FEED LOSS : Feed loss will be reduced when chickens are fed with properly made feeders. Such feeders; Since the scattering of feed out of the manger by the animal will be minimized, feed loss will be reduced and feed will be saved.
8. THE EQUIPMENT TO REDUCE THE WORK FORCE : Modern equipment should reduce the labor needed in the coop.
9. Equipments should be easy to clean and disinfect.